
Guide to some birds of the Okhotsk region

EurasianJay StellarsSeeagle Redpoll BlakistonsFishowl LathamsSnipe JapaneseCrane Skylark LongtailedTit JuvenileSwan
Whooper Swan White-tailed Sea-Eagle Stellar's Sea-Eagle Hazel Grouse
Japanese Crane Far Eastern Curlew Latham's Snipe Ross's Gull
Blakiston's Fish-Owl Ural Owl Black Woodpecker Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Eurasian Skylark Long-tailed Tit Snow Bunting Common Redpoll
Tree Sparrow Eurasian Jay Northern Raven Buller's Shearwater*
Swan Goose* Ashy Minivet* To Checklist To Bird Guide Top

Buller's Shearwater   Puffinus bulleri

One Buller's Shearwater was recorded out at sea off the Shiretoko Peninsula on September 5, 2008, an event that was published in issue #31 (2010) of the Bulletin of the Shiretoko Museum (Kenkyuu Houkoku). This is the only confirmed sighting in the Okhotsk region.

Elsewhere in Hokkaido, two photos of Buller's Shearwater in A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Japan (2000) were taken off the coast of Kushiro, southeastern Hokkaido, in October (year unknown).

Buller's Shearwater breeds on islands off the north island of New Zealand and is an accidental visitor in Japan with sightings occurring mainly off the east coast of Honshu (south of Hokkaido) in August through October.